My plans are to have this standing outside of the tavern with a skeleton leaning against it drinking his rum with a red up-light....I have a few more things to add when it's actually displayed.

It's still wet..Ha..It will tone down.. I'm not talented enough to draw the dog, my printer ink ran out to make a stencil ..... so the sign got a paw..LOL

These are the writing tablets I made.They are tri-folds. Open them up and they have 4 pieces of writing paper. Our group is great at taking notes. And it's always fun seeing what everyone wrote, they also refer to these when making the accusations. Each person attending will get one. This will go by the quill pens and their plates at the table.They are apx 4x6"'s

Just some fun things I made to go on the table. Setting the pirate scene gatherings like they really did.

I only wrote on one side, they will be easy to paint over..... Thinking I can use these props for many things...All 4 sides including tops and bottoms are completely finished. I wished I would have thought about making these crates for Titanic...

Individual Quill Pens and time period Ink Wells to be placed at the table.